The ceramic foam burner is using a new combustion concept, where the flame is stabilized in the homogeneous foam structure, the combustion can be with low NOx and CO emission, large modulation width and high efficiency. Furthermore, the glowing ceramic foam burner generates a comparably intensive and homogenous thermal radiation whose wavelength can be precisely adapted to drying processes. The ceramic foam we are using has better performance against high-temperature, thermoshock than normal porous ceramics, is the perfectly suitable for burners.
Compared with metal fiber burners, our ceramic foam burner can work under higher temperature 1400℃ for long time.
Ceramic foam burners can be operated with fermentation gases which contains H2, CO, CH4, C2H2, exhaust organic gas, blast furnace gas, petrochemical waste gas, coal mine gas these low BTU gases.
Working Temperature
Long service life under 1400℃
Thermal Properties
Thermal Conductivity: 17-47 W/mK
Low expansion, good thermal stability
Mechanical Properties
Compressive Strength: 10-50 MPa @R.T.
Flexural Strength: 10-35 MPa @R.T.
can be manufactured into any shape